Sunseed Desert Technology: young people fighting against desertification in Spain
Nearly a third of Spain is affected by desertification. This phenomenon, which is due to…
When ecovillages of the Iberian Peninsula meet in Lakabé, Spain
The annual meeting of the Iberian Ecovillages Network (IEN) took place in Lakabé Ecovillage in…
A polyamory festival in Valle de Sensaciones, Spain
Valle de Sensaciones is a human laboratory meant to generate sensations in a natural space…
Amalurra, a wonderful domain in Spain
Around Bilbao, Basque Country. See some images already: [gallery type="slideshow" ids="1716,1720,1719,1718,1717,1714,1713,1715,1721,1712,1723,1724,1725,1726,1727,1729,1728,1731,1732,1733,1664,1662"]