• marc@eco-villages.eu

“A New We”: a movie about 10 ecovillages in Europe

In 2012, Stefan Wolf created a 120 minutes movie about 10 ecovillages in Europe.

“Now more than ever before people all over the planet are seeking new sustainable models for living.  EcoVillages and ecological communities have been emerging as a viable alternative where people can live together in cooperation and harmony with the natural world.  Please join the conversation and participate in evolving the EcoVillage model into the 21st century!”

Featuring the ecovillages: Sieben Linden in Germany, Damanhur in Italy, Tamera in Portugal, Valle de Sensaciones in Spain, Matavenero in Spain, Schloss Glarisegg in Switzerland, Schloss Tonndorf in Germany, Krishna Valley in Hungary, La Borie Noble in France and Finca Tierra in Italy.