Discover CAPE: Custom Academic Programs in Ecovillages
CAPE brings sustainable education to life through custom programs based in ecovillages – communities integrating ecological, economic, social and…
Auroras Eye Films, an inspiring Youtube channel sharing Ecovillages’gifts from all around the world
Serena Aurora is an aspiring independent filmmaker with experience in many fields and aspects of…
The Blueprint, a futuristic movie with ecovillages from another dimension
Planet Earth in 2040. There are two timelines co-existing simultaneously. One ruled by a New…
Online Training “Expand The Box” from Possibility management
What is an Expand The Box training? Expand The Box is the core training for…
Radical Connection to Money – a generous and empowered approach to fundraising
Two day Online Course – 12th and 13th of December 2020 The facilitator: Teodora Rădulescu…
Movie: The Hardest Thing I’ve Ever Loved – Creating a Transformative Culture
The movie "The Hardest Thing I´ve ever loved" is an independent film from "The Great…
Online Conference: What If? Ecovillage Solutions for Extraordinary Times
What if we connected with our neighbours? What if we listened more deeply to each…
Interviews: Global Impact – 10.000 communities creating a regenerative future
Under the radar of modern mass media, a movement is gaining momentum and people, communities…
Documentary: Communities of Hope – Discovering ecovillages in Europe
COMMUNITIES OF HOPE is a film born from a quest to discover a regenerative culture.…