
Estonian ecovillage recruiting grounded idealists

Estonian ecovillage recruiting grounded idealists

The community Väike Jalajälg (Small Footprint) is located in the Estonian countryside, in the old Mõisamaa Manor.  Its members believe that the creation of new and sustainable model of life is possible. It starts with working on ourselves, our land, our social bounds, and by creating economic activities that support this lifestyle. 

“Our ecovillage exist since 6 years, and it as survived the shattering of our illusions. We were very ambitious at the beginning, willing to reform everything, from our way of life, to the school for our childrens, our production of food, our relationships, etc. Today, we know more about our limit as human being, and realise that some flexibility is good for all kind of people to live in a community.

However, our vision remain the same: we want to heal people’s heart and restore environment. We wish for creating a model of cooperation for a systematic change, live a grounded life in the countryside, and make a place where everyone feel that they can be themselves, without mask.

Our activities as a community are centred around personal development and production of food. We have 34hectares of certified organic land, 2 green houses, 100 fruits trees and a lots of berries bushes.

This year, we decided to focus on creating more economic activities for our member, continue restoring our buildings, and above all to grow in numbers.

We are recruiting new members. We have lots of space where to live and work, plenty of potential economic activities to be developed, land to work with, and capacity to host events. In April, from the 17 until the 24, we will dedicate a week to welcome peoples that would like to join an ecovillage. We will brainstorm together on how to grow and attract, on how to live together and concretely build our model. We will work, eat and play together; giving everyone an idea of what could be their community life.

If you resonate with our vision, contact us, and come in April ! “

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4 years ago

Hello !!! First of all Congratulations for this beautiful project ,its wonderful to see more and more people going into Eco.My partner and I ,we are very interested to join you . How can we get in touch ? Thank you !!

3 years ago

Hello,your project looks amazing. are there english speakers there? I would be interested. What would the accomodation be like and cost please. Would love to hear back from you, many thanks,