Discover CAPE: Custom Academic Programs in Ecovillages
CAPE brings sustainable education to life through custom programs based in ecovillages – communities integrating ecological, economic, social and cultural dimensions of sustainability.
They work with your vision to create meaningful, transformative programs you can be proud to promote as your own!
If you want to go fast go alone. if you want to go far go together
African proverb
Sustainability is no longer an elective. The world is urgently calling for visionary leaders who embody new paradigms, new practices, and new stories for how we can live in harmony with each other and all life.
Ecovillages – intentional communities that integrate ecological, economic, social, and cultural sustainability – are ideal campuses for experientially learning about human-scale solutions to our global ecological and social crises. From indigenous communities to high tech cohousing developments, ecovillages are experimenting with ways to live both well and lightly.
After deeply connecting with people devoted to creating a sustainable future, students return asking. “How can I make a positive difference in my own life, in my own community, and in the world?”
Discover the various types of programs, click here.