
Biodiversity: bees, ladybugs and other insects serving the garden

Biodiversity: bees, ladybugs and other insects serving the garden

Why attract bees in the garden?

Bees are the best friends of gardeners! They are the largest pollinator on the planet, and without them we would have poor harvests. Between 20% and 25% of the world’s food is possible thanks to the work of the bees.

Research has shown that bees have decreased by almost 50% in the last 50 years. Although some of the responsibility for this disappearance is the disease, the reasons for the overall decline remain a mystery.

❀ What can we do to help bees?

Gardens and vegetable gardens to support and attract native bees

The most important feature when planning a garden friend of bees is the diversity of flowers. Bees need all kinds of flowers for nectar and pollen. Nectar is a source of energy that bees use to make honey. Pollen is a food rich in protein.

Bees prefer large areas of flowers where they can find a lot of food. Try to have flowers for all seasons. Friendly gardens of bees tend to be crowded with multiple floors of abundant flowers. You can even keep “weeds” because bees are attracted to them. There must also be bare parts of soil for native bees to nest in the soil.

Build shelters for solitary bees.

Gardens for bees need to have a place where bees will have water. Because of its size bees have difficulties with drinking water in small pools and watering birds.

Create areas where they can drink water, filling ceramic bowls with moist sand buried in the ground. Keep the sand always wet because these areas attract bees and butterflies.

Do not use pesticides or insecticides, even if natural, they kill all insects.

Among the favorite plants of bees: basil, fennel, marshmallow, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, dandelion, thyme, dam, mint, lanvandula, daisies, columbine, foxglove, sunflower, forget – me, lupine, poppy, zinnia … among others.

The blue and yellow flowers are real “magnets” to bees!

Some of the plants mentioned above are not blue or yellow flowers but contain ultraviolet light marks. They are visible by the bees and attract them.

Many people hesitate when it comes to attracting bees to the garden, fearing to be stung.

Most bees are gentle creatures that are simply in search of food and water for themselves and their young.

Personally, I have planted flowers and herbs that attract bees for years, and have never been bitten.

It’s a matter of common sense, do not wear bright clothes in the garden or strong perfume at the risk of being mistaken for a flower to pollinate 🙂

© This article is translated from the permaculture site Da Semente a Árvore by Silvia Floresta in Portuguese.

Learn more

Check out other articles from the blog Da Semente a Árvore about Mediterranean plants, mushrooms and gardens

How to attract ladybugs? Click here

Discover Aldeia do Vale, a permaculture school in Portugal

Discover Quinta das Relvas, a farm in Portugal focused on sustainability and art where i had the chance to meet Silvia and attend the Permaculture Design Course in the context of Build up your life’s Erasmus + project.