Evolving Cycles in Greece: a network of cultural and therapeutic ecocenters
Evolving cycles is a networking project of cultural and therapeutic ecocenters. An immersive experience among the olive trees within a pioneering collective at Rothon Garden, in between the Temple of Poseidon and Athena in Greece.

The six members of the first ecocommunity of Evolving Cycles aspire to create a cultural centre within a priviliged framework with the intention to facilitate the discovery of life in nature, in harmony with animals, permaculture and therapeutic art.
Biological and local nutrition
They are currently developping two spaces to assure the nutritional durability and autonomy of the community: the Rothon garden and the Calm Garden.

In these two gardens, the community is cultivating a big variety of biological fruits and vegetables throughout the year.

Surrounding neighbours also have the possibilty to rent a piece of land to grow their family’s garden, similar to the shared gardens and AMAP in France.
A playful learning space
Evolving Cycles’ gardens are free spaces where everyone can create and develop projects while taking care of nature and people.

After having built the necessary enlargment of the infrastructure of the ecocommunity at Rothon and Calm Gardens, its founder, Costas, 33 years old, ensures that everyone finds his place there.
Marta, 23 years, coordinates the vegetable gardens with the help of volunteers from all over the world. Grant, 39 years, yoga teacher, and Crystos, 30 years, ensure the physical health of the team. Dimitris, 43 years, is responsable for composting the organic waste.

Healing through art, animals and plants
Connected to the local population, Evolving Cycles creates a bridge between the rural and the urban world by providing a space to be in nature and recharge.

Rothon Garden will be hosting workshops on nutrition for children and plant medicine. In the Calm garden, an art studio is under development.
Magnificent Skyrian horses, guardians of Ancient Greece, live on the site. They are kept company by chickens and Vanilla, a goat.
Evolving Cycles is looking for coordinators to ensure their workshops and to help guide volunteers in various areas: permaculture, ecoconstruction, water retention, solar energy.
Evolving Cycles in pictures
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