
European Ecovillage Gathering is in Denmark this year

European Ecovillage Gathering is in Denmark this year

The European Ecovillage Gathering is created by GEN Europe and is a celebration and exploration of community in all its forms: from urban co-housing to rural farming collectives, and everything in between.

Picking up the pieces from two years that have dramatically changed our lives and societies, we feel called to action. To regenerate our soils, our forests, our ecosystems from the smallest seeds to the mightiest mountainsides. To heal our human relationships and fractured societies. To create abundant communities that everyone can call home. And to do this, we need each other more than ever.

We believe that regenerative community living is a part of the vast transformation the world so urgently needs – we invite you to come and explore it together with us.

Join ecovillagers and explorers, families and farmers, artists and activists for four days of practical workshops, inspiring talks, crafts, music and more in Ananda Gaorii, an ecovillage, organic farm and retreat cent

Join the event