
Radical Connection to Money – a generous and empowered approach to fundraising

Radical Connection to Money – a generous and empowered approach to fundraising

Two day Online Course – 12th and 13th of December 2020

The facilitator: Teodora Rădulescu is a Romanian, Swiss based designer, facilitator and workshop leader for collectives, NGO ́s, teams and communities requiring support in internal communication, organizational development and community building. The frameworks that she uses are collaborative, participatory, innovative and embodied with the scope of being a social innovation catalyst.

Why to offer this workshop?

Many people hesitate to realize their dreams, because they think it is too difficult to raise the money needed. But successful projects need a stable economic basis.
And yet fundraising is sabotaged by a deep, multigenerational wound about money created by our win-lose culture. From this, our current economy is based upon a model that believes „there is not enough“, „more is better“, „that is the way it is, we have no choice“. These false beliefs and our childhood education limit our effectiveness as fundraisers.
Empowered fundraising overcomes these limiting beliefs, inspires and enables us as participants to create the funds necessary to implement our projects in line with our values and visions.

This workshop is about transforming people’s relationship to money, Empowered fundraising is a means of creating opportunities for people to engage with their own greatness. This is far from our current relationship to money or to fundraising.

Without a doubt our current relationship to money is the source of one of the wounds most individuals carry – it is a source of alienation from their own ability to create what is of true value – a sustainable future that works for all and thus is an alienation from their own deepest sources of creativity.

Money is one of the biggest taboos of our times. In a society where we can buy and sell almost anything so much of our life is influenced by our relationship with money itself. Many of us have deep blockages in dealing with money, either in bringing it into our lives or feeling totally uncomfortable using it. This is part of a long history and cultural lineage of dis-balance, scarcity, abuse and suffering that has been passed down through generations in our families.

We will learn how to invite money into our lives and welcome it, how to use it to manifest our deepest dreams that make our hearts sing and make a difference in the world. We will experience how a taboo can be turned into a tool to build more trust and connections with people in our lives. The workshop will be experiential in the most vivid sense. It is a direct approach and we will practice what we learn right away. It is meant to take us out of our comfort zone and connect us deeply with our inner joy, confidence and power when it comes to money. It is a space where we will care for vulnerability and honour each individual’s learning journey as well as the power of community to support transformation and empowerment.
Empowered Fundraising is a branch of Dragon Dreaming, a playful, inspiring, empowering, holistic and meaningful method for assisting individuals and groups who seek to make their dreams come true.

At the completion of this workshop participants will have

Discovered the source of our wound about money and shame around fundraising
Have discovered the basis of the gift economy, through the gift of leading a meaningful life Have practiced Charismatic Win-Win Communication as a way of sharing about their project(s), in such a way as to encourage participation
Identified their personal balance point as a contribution towards their project, and committed it to their project.
Identified the basis of relationship building and have created one for themselves
Learned of the steps and stages for a successful fundraising project, and be able to apply this to their own project.
Know how to turn money into a positive vehicle for eco-social change

What is it about?

Flow of the course

Saturday 12th of December 2020

Day 1 – Consciousness 10:00 – 13:00 

Session 1 – Personal Growth & Radical Generosity
Introduction to Economy, Money as means and Scarcity vs Abundance mentality

Commitment to your own healing and empowerment
Understanding the story of our Time Exploring the money wound

Session 2 – Win – Win – Win Mindset and Dynamic
Win-Win-Win Abundance Mentality Charismatic communication exercise

Sunday 13th of December 2020

Day 2 – Design 10:00 – 13:00

Session 1 – Community

Exploring the balance point
The nature of the Gift Fundraising on project Developing the steps needed for fundraising

Session 2 – Follow-up & Celebration

Choosing a buddy – Follow-up, Relationship, Networking
Towards rebuilding the gift economy Celebration

The Course will be held in English.

Financial contribution

Sliding scale – What fits best your needs:


Payable through Paypal or Bank Transfer (Europe)


Click here for registration-form


For logistical questions: Jasmin – jasmin.sepahzad@gmail.com For content: Teo – teo.d.radulescu@gmail.com